About me

Welcome to Consumr Buzzz, where your digital success is our mission. We are a dedicated team of digital marketing professionals committed to helping businesses achieve their goals through innovative and effective online strategies. 

Our Story

Founded in 2013, Consumr Buzzz began with a vision to transform the digital landscape. Our founder(s), Ritik Katiyar, envisioned an agency that combines creativity with data-driven strategies to deliver outstanding results.


service offered

email marketing

Drive conversions with targeted, automated email campaigns.

social media marketing

Engage with your audience and grow your brand on social media.

search engine optimization

Improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.


Create compelling content that attracts and converts.

pay per click

Maximize your ROI with targeted pay-per-click campaigns

affiliate marketing

Boost sales through performance-based affiliate partnerships.

Our Team


Meet our team of experts. From strategists and creatives to analysts and developers, each member of our team brings unique skills and experience to the table, ensuring comprehensive and effective marketing solutions.


Ariana Joyce-HR Manager

HR professional dedicated to fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Ritik K.- Founder & CEO

Visionary leader with over 11 years of experience in digital marketing and business strategy.

Rupali K- Managing Director

Expert in operational efficiency and strategic growth with a passion for innovation.

Projects Completed
Happy Customers
Year in Service

Contact Us

Ready to take your digital presence to the next level?

Get in touch with us today.


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